Reishi Info

Ganoderma Lucidum (or other common names-Lingzhi, Reishi) is a medicinal fungus and is treasured by its broad medicinal values in China for over two thousand years. Long time ago, this precious herb was reserved exclusively for kings, queens and nobles. Its medicinal properties were first mentioned in the oldest Chinese Herbal Medica “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing”, and were elaborated in the greatest reference book of Chinese herbs “Ben Cao Gang Mu” by Li Shin-chen in 1578. With advanced modern scientific technologies and increased awareness in the Western world, intensive researches in many world class universities have continuously proven the nutritional value and efficacy of traditional uses of Ganoderma lucidum.

Over the past 40 years, numerous researches on Ganoderma lucidum have been performed in United States, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, China, etc…  The indications of Ganoderma lucidum have been proven to be very beneficial to people who desire top quality dietary supplement for a healthy life:

  1. Strengthening of the immune system (immuno-modulation)
  2. Maintaining good health and preventing aging
  3. Improving metabolism
  4. Promoting the detoxifying function of the liver and kidneys
  5. Alleviating hypersensitivity responses (allergy)
  6. Improving chronic health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, etc…by dietary supplement effect


Reishi extract appears to be extremely helpful for cancer patient therapy. For example, they may be used to eliminate suppression of immunity during post-operation therapy or to prevent side effects of anti-tumor therapy. (V. Kupin, Cancer Research Centre AMS Russia, Moscow, Russia)

Reishi extract exhibits a marked immunomodulating effect, increasing T-cell counts, and the CD4/CD8 ratio, it also had immune enhancement effect, or the effect of Reishi-induced bio-regulation. Reishi administration in cancer patients with initially decreased immunologic indices led to an increased number of T-lymphocytes, and T-helper cells and lower levels of T-suppressors. In patients with initially normal indices it had a negligible effect. (V. Kupin, Cancer Research Centre AMS Russia, Moscow, Russia)

Reishi reduced chemotherapy-induced toxicity as well as that induced by radiotherapy. Chemo- and radiotherapy-induced leukopenia was soon eliminated after Reishi administration. Patients could tolerate chemotherapy much better against the background of Reishi, their T-lymphocyte levels and CD4/CD8 ratio restored rapidly. (V. Kupin, Cancer Research Centre AMS Russia, Moscow, Russia)

No side effects had been observed in patients receiving reishi extract. On the contrary, they had improved appetite, exhibited more vigor and noted a better general status. Post-operation patients receiving reishi extract noted normalized hemodynamic indices within a shorter time interval and developed no complications as compared to patients not receiving reishi extract. The operation wound healed better, the recovery period after surgery was shorter. (V. Kupin, Cancer Research Centre AMS Russia, Moscow, Russia)

Polysaccharides from the Reishi are used in Japan as immuno-potentiators in the treatment of cancer. Reishi extract is usually combined with other types of therapies, such as radiation, surgery and chemotherapies, to increase the effectiveness, reduce the side effects and accelerate recovery from disease. (Dr. Morishige, M.D. Ph.D, surgeon and member of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine)

Reishi extract has been investigated and found to have broad stimulatory effect on white blood cells including leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, Natural Killer cells, LAK cells, TIL cells, and other lymphocytes. This effect accounts for anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory effects. Such potential effects and low toxicity make reishi extract particularly attractive for immune support of patients undergoing radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or major surgery. (Dr. R. Chang, Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA)

It was found that cancer patients taking reishi extract showed no significant drop in their peripheral white blood counts and platelet counts even after three cycles of chemotherapy. Many patients noticed an increase in appetite. Dr. Shiu concluded that reishi extract may be a useful adjunctive treatment during chemotherapy. (Dr. W. Shiu, Dr. T. Leung, and Dr. M. Tao, Department of Clinical Oncology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Results suggest that reishi extract can markedly potentiate immune function via stimulating the production/release of lymphokines/monokines from T cells and macrophages, and some of the elevated cytokines are capable of inhibiting tumor cell growth. (Wang SY, Hsu ML, Lee SS, Hong CY, Shiao MS, Dept of Medical Research, Veterans Hospital-Taipei, and National Yang-Ming medical College, Taipei, Taiwan)

"Oral Administration (300mg/kg) of reishi extract increased the production of IL-2 in mice. Administration of purified fraction of reishi extract increased the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes in humans. This effect was thought to be due to stimulation of T lymphocytes and increased production of IL-2 and IFN-gamma. (Zhang et al., 1993; Haak-Frendscho et al., 1993)

Ganoderma lucidum has very significant anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects. High molecular weight polysaccharide compounds obtained from water extracts markedly inhibited sacroma 180 (SA) in mice. Injection of the aqueous extract into Lewis lung carcinoma (LL) bearing mice increased life span up to 195%. This effect was observed when the ganoderma extract was administered alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs. The ganoderma extract was non toxic to cell cultures, and the anti-tumor action was believed to occur through T-cell activation. (Maruyama et al., 1989; Furusawa et al., 1992)

With varies clinical and animal research that was conducted on Ganoderma lucidum, ganoderma lucidum (reishi) concluded to have these reported actions: anti-tumor activity; induces differentiation; inhibits histamine release; stimulates immune system in vivo. (Boik, 1996)